These Square white Pots are mate finish pots generally used as table planters for indoor plants. These pots are well designed to be used as decorative pots for planting plants. Planting plants in these white pots enhance the appearance of your plants by making them look more wonderful in your home. These white table Planters are the most affordable and our most selling planters among all table planters
Product Details:
- Pot Name:Â 5inch Square Table Planter
- Package Available: Set of 10
- Available Sizes: 5inch
- Pot Type: Table Planter
- Material: Plastic
- Surface finish: Mate finish highly smooth
- Material Density: Highly dense
- Pot Placement: Indoor and outdoor both
- Pot dimensions: L=12cm, B=12cm, H=12cmÂ
- Number of Drainage Holes:Â 4holes (May partially closed with very thin plastic)